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Brachiosaurus, whose name signifies "arm reptile," was the giraffe dinosaur of the Jurassic. With its long neck (very nearly 30 feet in length) and tall front legs, this goliath sauropod could nip new shoots from the highest points of trees in excess of 40 feet over the ground.  in case Brachiosaurus were alive today, it could look into fourth story windows. This is the biggest sauropod known from almost complete skeletons. For some scientistss, this is the boss for size. Gauging 50 tons, probably as much as seven elephants, Brachiosaurus was a gigantic dinosaur that needed to take care of continually. The front legs were taller than the back legs, and the tail was generally short.  Brachiosaurus was weighty toward the front and light in the back. the rib confine was gigantic, but since the legs were so tall, the stomach was so distant the  ground that a stegosaurus could stroll under it. The long neck and front legs look like the body of a giraffe, and it is co...


The imposing dinosaur's most unusual feature was its large sail. When ever Spinosaurus would arch its back, the sail, made of lengthy spines covered with skin, would rise into the air. The sail alone was the height of a human basket ball star. The paleontologists who comment on it continue to debate its function, but most have used it to help regulate body temperature in the boat and use it to intimidate the opposite sex. It is on wonder Spinosaurus often makes film appearances, since this dinosaur flashed a million-dollar "smile" While The carnivorous dinosaurs had mostly curved teeth, the teeth of the Spinosaurus were straight and probably functional like knives, often diverting slippery prey. "

 Spinosaurus, like grizzly bears, spent a lot of time fishing in or near the water. The feast would not have been a challenge, given that it was the longest-headed Spinosaurus of any known meat dinosaur. Measuring close to 6 feet in length, the head featured a narrow snout-all the better for showcasing its straight teeth-with tiny ears on either side. Scaly skin covered its neck. Spinosaurus dinosaur (meaning "spine lizard") is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived in what now is North Africa, during the upper Albian to upper Turonian stages of the species period, about 112 to 93.5 million years ago. These dinosaurs were first known from Egyptian fossils discovered in 1912, and more Described by German archaeologist Ernst Stormers in 1915. "The Great War was original remains were destroyed during World War II, but additional material has come to light in the early 21st century. It is not clear whether one or two species are mentioned in the fossils reported by the researchers. The most well-known species is S.  is, Aegyptiacus however, the S. MaracanĂ£'s, rescued from Morocco.


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