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Brachiosaurus, whose name signifies "arm reptile," was the giraffe dinosaur of the Jurassic. With its long neck (very nearly 30 feet in length) and tall front legs, this goliath sauropod could nip new shoots from the highest points of trees in excess of 40 feet over the ground.  in case Brachiosaurus were alive today, it could look into fourth story windows. This is the biggest sauropod known from almost complete skeletons. For some scientistss, this is the boss for size. Gauging 50 tons, probably as much as seven elephants, Brachiosaurus was a gigantic dinosaur that needed to take care of continually. The front legs were taller than the back legs, and the tail was generally short.  Brachiosaurus was weighty toward the front and light in the back. the rib confine was gigantic, but since the legs were so tall, the stomach was so distant the  ground that a stegosaurus could stroll under it. The long neck and front legs look like the body of a giraffe, and it is co...


Brachylophosaurus might Be its authority name, yet many warmly know this moderately "new" dinosaur as "Elvis,"due to its surprising head peak that looks like the well known rock 'n roll vocalist's hair Fossil gatherer and scientist Charles Sternberg first the dinosaur depicted it in 1953. 

The strong boned head peak reached out from the nose, laid over the highest point of the dinosaur's level head and afterward wrapped up with a sharp spike at the back. Beside the Elvis hair examination, it additionally looked a bit like a cutting edge bicycle dashing cap, and maybe served a comparable headprotecting func-tion. It's conceivable that Brachylophosaurus en-gaged in head pushing challenges. 

Brachylophosaurus was a buck-charged dinosaur, yet, its upper mouth was bigger and more extensive than that of most hadrosaurs. The two its upper and lower mouths encased jaws set with many teeth. Their position and the jaw structure recommend Brachylophosaurus bit plant material from one side to another, as cows and ponies do today. Examination of the safeguarded stomach substance of one person uncover it ate greeneries, conifers, magnolias and the dust of in excess of 40 unique plants. 

 since its revelation in the mid 1950s, various amazingly very much safeguarded. In 2003, an example, named Leonardo, was respected by the Guinness book of Records as being "the best safeguarded dinosaur stays in the world." The declaration proceeded to say, "around 90% of the body is covered with fossilized delicate tissue." Scientistss worth such dinosaur "mummies," since they give uncommon tissue tests also bone.


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